Air Conditioning Options

At Services Plus, we offer comprehensive air conditioning services and repairs for all types of air conditioner makes and models. If you’re in the market for a new unit, we have you covered as licensed dealers of high-quality brands. All jobs are thoroughly inspected for quality assurance and our technicians always ensure they get the job done right the first time.

For over 30 years, homeowners in Innisfil have relied on our reliable and friendly service to keep them comfortable. When you purchase our air conditioning products, you can enjoy both comfort and peace of mind

Listed below are some the most common Air Conditioning options.

Central air conditioning cools your home using ducts. It draws warm air from inside through return air ducts, cools it, and distributes it through supply air ducts to various rooms. A thermostat adjusts the temperature and air flow, making it a consistent, energy-efficient, and effective way to cool large spaces.
Ductless air conditioning does not require ductwork and consists of an outdoor unit and indoor units mounted on walls or ceilings. Users can adjust the temperature and air flow using a remote control or thermostat. It is an excellent option for homes without ducts or spaces where ducts cannot be installed.
We offer Air Conditioner repairs, servicing, removal, and installations. If you would like to learn more about our services, head over to our contact page and give us a call!

To learn more about what we can offer, give our friendly office staff a call at 705-431-2822.